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Media Coverage

President Traci Callari in Sentinel 100

Looking Ahead: 1 in 8. That’s how many women are estimated to develop breast cancer in their lifetime. While rare, men can also develop breast cancer. October 1 marks the start of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month – the perfect opportunity to research and...

President Traci Callari in Sentinel 100

Looking Ahead: Did you know that 60% of eligible voters are never asked to register? Let’s change that by reminding our family, friends, and neighbors to register to vote on September 22, 2020 - National Voter Registration Day.  This nonpartisan civic effort...

President Traci Callari in Sentinel 100

Looking Ahead: This month, the Jewish community will celebrate the High Holidays. This is a time of joy and somberness, feasting and fasting, prayer and reflection, beginning with Rosh Hashanah, or “head of the new year,” celebrated 10 days before Yom Kippur, or...

President Traci Callari in Sentinel 100

Looking Ahead: Next Friday marks the 19th anniversary of the terrorist attack on America. This year, many in-person tributes and memorials are canceled due to COVID-19, a somber reminder of how turbulent the times we live in still are. While we face many current...

President Traci Callari in Sentinel 100

Looking Ahead: Next Monday we will celebrate Labor Day, a national holiday created to honor and pay tribute to the American workforce and the hard work that has helped us realize our country’s ideals of economic prosperity. Because of COVID-19, this Labor Day seems...

President Traci Callari in Sentinel 100

Looking Ahead: Wednesday marked the first day of school for Broward County Public Schools (BCPS). Starting the new year virtually may seem daunting, especially for parents, many of whom continue to work and manage household responsibilities, and now find...

President Traci Callari in Sentinel 100

Looking Ahead: As Broward County students and parents prepare to start a new academic year online, I encourage everyone to remember our other essential workers – our teachers. In the face of uncertainty, Broward’s educators remain dedicated to teaching our...

President Traci Callari in Sentinel 100

Looking Ahead: Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau announced the new deadline to complete the Census is September 30, 2020, one month earlier than the planned October 31, 2020 deadline. This puts at risk the accuracy of population numbers used to determine federal...

President Traci Callari in Sentinel 100

Looking Ahead: Voting and participating in the election process is a key freedom of American life and the democratic system. While COVID-19 has impacted almost every aspect of our lives, exercising our right to vote should not be compromised. To avoid crowds and...