Strengthening Broward Cities through Effective Advocacy
The mission of the Broward League of Cities includes identifying and resolving issues which affect municipalities, and day-to-day operations of local government, including legislation at the county, state, and federal levels.
The following tools will to assist members in maximizing their advocacy skills.
The Florida League of Cites Advocacy Guide includes several Effective Advocacy Strategies worksheets to help develop an advocacy plan. (pages 83-91). Included are sample letters, legislative agendas and other resources that illustrate how to effectively communicate with legislators (beginning on page 45). Suggestions are made on how to take advocacy efforts to the next level. Download PDF for reference and printing.
Advocacy in Action – Legislative Strategies for Success May 2016 PDF
Tips to improve results for test question #1. Advocacy health check up: 8 questions to test your skills. PDF
- Tips to improve results for test question #2, #3 and #4 with suggestions on communicating with a legislator.
- Tips to improve results for test question #5.