League Staff
Mary Lou Tighe, Executive Director – Email Mary Lou
Sely Cochrane, Deputy Executive Director – Email Sely
Broward League of Cities
Governmental Center, Suite 122
115 South Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Phone: 954-357-7370
Legal Counsel – Goren Cherof Doody & Ezrol P.A.
Public Relations Counsel – Conceptual Communications
The League uses electronic/digital medium to notify our members and interested parties of our meetings, agendas, minutes, legislative alerts and other pertinent municipal and intergovernmental information. This saves the League tremendous amounts of staff time, materials costs and expedites information quickly to you as it is produced. We don’t want anyone to be left out!
If you are not getting League information, or prefer to have it sent to a different email address, please notify us here at the League. You may contact the League at anytime to have your contact data updated. We strive to safeguard your data and protect your privacy. Your information will only be used for official League, related organizations and intergovernmental communications.