65th Annual Installation Gala

Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort 1111 N Ocean Dr, Hollywood, FL 33019 Click here to register for an Associate Sponsorship. Click here to register for a Municipal Sponsorship. Click here to register for individual tickets to the Annual Gala. Click here to reach out if you have any questions.

Solid Waste Working Group

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82808693758?pwd=d05hR01RZC8xYUV3dTJPL25kWm54dz09 Meeting ID: 828 0869 3758 Passcode: 375000 Click here to access the Agenda for the May 25, 2022 Solid Waste Working Group Meeting. Click here to access the Major Decisions Policy Questions for the May 25, 2022 Solid Waste Working Group Meeting. Click here to access the County Proposal for Discussion for the May […]

Solid Waste Working Group

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88462957755?pwd=VUlWQVdEUWFaSjJtTU9VaHdlVW41dz09 Meeting ID: 884 6295 7755 Passcode: 337696

Solid Waste Working Group

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88695290519?pwd=OTEyekxMY2JBTXQ4WkhETHF2Z2NCZz09 Meeting ID: 886 9529 0519 Passcode: 372442 Click here to access the Agenda for the Solid Waste Working Group Meeting June 22, 2022. Click here to access the Proposed Revision to Article 7 for the June 22, 2022 Solid Waste Working Group Meeting.

Solid Waste Working Group Meeting

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84177418875?pwd=SEhFaGIrd0VWVm9uU083MVU4eTZodz09 Meeting ID: 841 7741 8875 Passcode: 930809 Click here to access the Agenda for the July 6, 2022 Solid Waste Working Group Meeting.

Ethics Training

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83933206203?pwd=NnZOM3padXplSXNuS1FYMVNIOUFKQT09 Meeting ID: 839 3320 6203 Passcode: 225918

Solid Waste Working Group Meeting

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87293419527?pwd=VFhqRDVrK08rVGNuYTAwbThNRzNJdz09 Meeting ID: 872 9341 9527 Passcode: 226502

Solid Waste Working Group Meeting

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89789846703?pwd=eWFzRytCNzZJYUptMUwzZVdjQm5mUT09 Meeting ID: 897 8984 6703 Passcode: 813844 Click here to access the agenda for the August 3, 2022 Solid Waste Working Group Meeting.

Solid Waste Working Group

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82021280613?pwd=WVZyWURFNnc4QjRNMXM1ZFNmdktUUT09 Meeting ID: 820 2128 0613 Passcode: 073748 Click here to read the Agenda for the August 17, 2022 Solid Waste Working Group Meeting.